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(Rough transalation with Google Translator. All things can't be translated from language to other)



tiistai 15. helmikuuta 2011

Drifters roll on kings road (Löytyy http://www.mikseri.net/sotc)

All the time you couldn't find
happines and some peace of mind,
there were men who just went
and danced along that gravel road.
You were king and they were fools
and you did pray for some tools
that would make them to obey...

But when drifters roll on kings road
something moved your soul
and you needed to go
and dance
King rolls on drifters road!

Humiliation and decapitation
were the tools for those fools.
The road was yours, thought it was gross
that those drifters rolled on kings road.
Now they're dead and you're in bed
wide awake with huge shame
in your head for those happy men

When drifters rolled on kings road
something moved your soul
and then you needed to go
and dance
Now king rolls on drifters road!

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